Monday, May 10, 2010

My 1st dog ever!

My bf decided to give me a shihtzu puppy as a gift for Christmas etc. At first, I was reluctant of the gift he wanted to give because I was not really comfortable with dogs of any kind. He had 2 shihtzu dogs, 2 mini pincher and a boston terrier. Anyway, I decided to give in and accepted his gift.

I received my first pup last February 2010, and named him MAKI!

In this blog, you can get a sneak preview of my experiences as a first time shihtzu owner!!!!


  1. He is so cute and I love the name Maki, perfect!!....I'm always excited to read other shih tzu lovers! I've never had shih tzus before and so far my baby is the best! good luck!

  2. thank you so much! what breed is your dog?

  3. mine is shih tzu too and i love the breed, they are the sweetest!
